Treat yourself to a Food Fairy Quickie!
How many more fruits and veggies would you eat if they were all prepped and ready, waiting for you in your fridge?
Ever wanted to try celeriac? Or Persimmons?
This is your chance!
This is a great opportunity to try new things
or find new ways to enjoy what you already love!
Ellen will make you a healthy salad dressing, and prepare an abundance of salad toppers so you can pull together your own masterpiece in minutes!
All you need to do is add a meat or plant-based protein
to complete your meals!
No thinking involved!
Snacks are a breeze - just grab and go!
Learn new ways to eat your veggies -
try new combinations and flavors!
Effortlessly infuse your diet with healthy ingredients
and feel inspired to eat your best!
This can be done while you are working so you come home to a well-stocked fridge,
or make it an interactive experience with Ellen and discover tips and tricks to eating well!